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Microsoft Reveals AI For Earth Innovation Grant Winners

True to its word, Microsoft, as part of a partnership with National Geographic, introduced a "$1 million AI for Earth Innovation Grant" program in July, which would offer grants to between five and 15 recipients, providing them access to Microsoft cloud and AI tools, along with financial support. Today, the winners of this program were announced at an event being held at National Geographic headquarters in Washington, D.C..

That means there are few organizations capable of managing and spending such huge cash infusions. It leaves Bezos with limited options for grantees, pushing him toward established nonprofits who might not be on the cutting edge of climate innovation. It also possibly slows his ability to give the money away. The first round of grantees are receiving only 8% of the total fund.

Microsoft Reveals AI For Earth Innovation Grant Winners

Across categories recognizing deals, innovations, hardware, workplaces, geeks who give back and more, the winners paid tribute to their teams, their customers and the wider community for supporting the journey.

The agri-food sector is one of the least digitized industries in the world, with many barriers to collecting, sharing, and using data. Agrimetrics was founded to accelerate innovation in the agri-food industry by connecting data and thus enabling advanced analytics and AI. Their goal is to help agri-food businesses produce food more efficiently and sustainably. As a long-time Microsoft Partner, Agrimetrics uses Microsoft Azure technology to power an agri-food Data Marketplace. This Data Marketplace lets data providers, from farmers to global corporations, market and manage their data, and helps data consumers, from researchers to businesses and government organizations, to find and use that data. Agrimetrics is now working with the AI for Earth program to forge new collaborations, such as with other AI for Earth grantees, and extend its capabilities to deploy innovative, sustainable, and scalable solutions to environmental and agricultural problems around the world.


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